Simmons Social Work MSW Virtual Information SessionWednesday, May 28, 2025 at 6:00 PM until 7:30 PMEastern Daylight Time UTC -04:00 Learn about our rigorous, hands-on Master of Social Work on-campus program. This information session is a virtual event. Meet members of our MSW campus community while gaining information about the application process, our clinical emphasis, and the field placement. Our panel discussion with current students and faculty will answer any questions you may have. Join us to learn about the Boston campus MSW program and the people who make Simmons School of Social Work unique. Loading...First NameLast NameMailing AddressMailing AddressCountryStreetCityRegionPostal CodeEmail AddressMobileCan we text you?YesNoBoston Campus Program InterestsBoston Campus Program InterestsMaster of Social WorkMaster of Social Work 16-month AcceleratedMaster of Social Work-Advanced StandingMaster of Social Work with Licensure as a School Social WorkerMaster of Social Work with Certificate in Health Care and Social WorkMaster of Social Work with Certificate in Trauma Practice ProgramMaster of Social Work with Certificate in Public PolicyAnticipated Entry TermFall 2025Fall 2026Spring 2025Spring 2026Summer 2025Summer 2026How did you learn about Simmons?AdvertisementAdvisorAlumnae/iCareer/Job FairConferenceCurrent StudentEABEmployerFacultyGraduate School FairGraduate School Search WebsiteInformation SessionInternet SearchPresentationProfessional AssociationProfessional PublicationRelative/FriendSelf-InitiatedService OrganizationSocial MediaWord of MouthSelect from below, if applicableBoston GlobeBoston.comMBTAPrintRadioTVCollege AdvisorGuidance CounselorHealth Profession AdvisorAACNAANPABAIACENDACSMALAANAAPTACSWEMASNAMLANAAHPNational Student Nurse Assoc.SAABaycoveDCFHAWCHome for Little WanderersJustice Resource InstituteMAB Community ServicesIdealistGradschools.comPrinceton ReviewUS News and World ReportCollege VisitHospital VisitAACNAANPABAIACENDACSMALAANAAPTACSWEMASNAMLANational Student Nurse Assoc.SLASOAAdvance for NursingALAHorn BookNursing SpectrumSchool Library JournalToday's DietitianAmericorpsCity YearPeace CorpsTeach for AmericaFacebookInstagramLinkedInACTACT-GNACT-HAlumnae ReferralAlumnea Covered College FairalumniAmerican Colleges & UnivAthletic Coach ReferralAttended On-Campus EventBEANS TourBestNursingDegree.comcampusexplorer.comCappexCarnegie Dartlet FormCB-GNCB-HCBO ReferralCOF TourCollege FairCollege FishCollege RaptorCollege Application InquiryCommon Application ProspectCommon Application SuspectCommunity College VisitCouncil International SchoolsCredentialsDay VisitEducational FairEducationUSAEmailFin PalGirl Scout ReferralGirls Get Connected Referralgoabroad.comGoogleGroup VisitHigh School TranscriptHigh School Visithigh-school counselorHobsonsIELTSInfo SessionInquiry Form on Web PageInterview with CounselorKaplanNational College FairNECBAC Fair/TravelOpen HousePetersons Coll. Want You Ref.Phone InquiryPhone Interview W/CounselorPrivate Colleges & Univ. RefPT Landing PagePTKSATShowcase/TournamentSimmons Website Info RequestStudy in the USATEASthehighschoolgraduate.comTOEFLTOEFL-GNTourUS News and World ReportVenture Scholarswalk-inWomen's College CoalitionWord of MouthPlease note that this event will focus on the campus-based MSW program only. If you are interested in attending an information session to learn more about the online MSW program offered at Simmons please visit their website to find out when the next SocialWork@Simmons information session is being held. If you have questions regarding the online program you can call 1-855-523-7779 to speak with a representative from the online admissions team.Student Type (hidden)First YearFirst Year PlusTransferComplete DegreeDix ScholarGraduate StudentNon-DegreeSubmit